• Restless Nights

    Restless Nights

    It is 12 a.m. as I lay here, staring up at the ceiling fan. Watching it go around in circles. The five blades that swing are now morphing into one big blade. I lay here hoping the motion or the light sound of wind it’s making will somehow put me sleep. I hope, but it doesn’t happen. So, I start to focus my attention elsewhere. 

              My eyes have adjusted to the dark. I now stare at the shadow on the wall across from the two windows above my head. Each making four tiny squares. My OCD starts to kick in as I count them and trace the sides with my eyes. Once I am fully satisfied, I stop because I am sick of this game. 

              My eyes are heavy, but my mind is racing. I close my eyes as I try to turn off my thoughts that continue racing. I am hit with everything that happened during the day, what will happen tomorrow, and any random thought that may appear. For some reason my mind just wants to keep me awake. The night seems to draw out my active mind, forcing it to keep going. Torturing me. Leaving me uncomfortable, so that I have to keep tossing and turning. 

              My husband sleeps peacefully right beside me. I look at him with jealousy. Jealous that I cannot have that peaceful slumber. But I am happy that he gets it. That sweet face of his. I wonder what he dreams about. I wonder how he can shut off his mind and sleep in a matter of seconds. I wish I had that luxury. 

              To shake away these feelings, I turn and focus my attention at the big window to the left of me. Light pours in from the parking lot and the moon. I stare long enough for it to put me in a trance, but that’s all it does. I see headlights of a car pass by as it interrupts the steady streaming beam of light coming through my room. I hear the car door slam shut. I wonder where they just came from. Were they visiting family? Going out with friends? On a date?

    I wonder if they will have trouble sleeping just as I am. Surely, I can’t be the only one, but it just feels that way right now. Right in this moment. Since it is just my husband and me. I long for him to wake up so that I am not alone. So, I could talk to him or have him suffer with me in silence. But he doesn’t wake up. He continues to sleep peacefully. And I am glad he does. 

              I turn to the clock and see that it is now 1 a.m. I again close my eyes and start to count down from one hundred. I heard this technique might work. I have tried it in the past but had no such luck. I continue to try it every night though. Hoping this will be the night it will work. I go through it twice and I finally surrender. 

              Frustrated, I turn to my side. I try to imagine that I am on vacation. I remind myself of the warmth of the sun, the beauty of the palm trees, and the crash of the ocean waves. “Creak”. There is a noise that came from somewhere and my eyes are instantly opened with curiosity and fear. The sound startled me. I look straight ahead, not moving my head in any way. I only move my eyes frantically for a few seconds and continue to stare straight ahead. I hear another sound shortly after. I am on high alert. I feel like my fight or flight senses are on. I have watched too many scary movies in my lifetime. I always think the sound is something paranormal. My mind starts thinking about the scary movies and it only makes things worse. I feel my heart beating out of my chest. Oh, how I long for my husband to wake up. To experience these noises with me. He’s right beside me, but I’ve never felt so alone. All of a sudden, the heat kicks on. I laugh internally at myself. The apartment building makes sounds and usually always does right before the heat or air comes on. I don’t know why I keep forgetting this. I am up for it every night. 

              I relax and gain the courage to look around the room. Everything is fine. Everything is in place. I have now worked up a sweat, so I roll down the big comfy blanket I have on. It is way too hot for me now. I only keep the little sheet halfway up my back as I lay on my stomach. I am grateful for the humming that is coming from the heat. The quiet is nice, but the humming allows me not to hear any other little creaks that the building makes. I toss and turn a few more times until I finally somehow manage to drift off into sleep. Each time, I don’t remember how or what I was thinking about. So, every night, I struggle. And it doesn’t stop there. 

              I am awakened at 3:30 a.m. My eyes are so heavy, so tired. My body is also tired, but I have to get up. I have to get up to use the bathroom. I, again, am frustrated and upset. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to exert myself because once I do get up, I will have a hard time going back to sleep. I try to ignore the pressure on my bladder. I am successful for a little while, but it grows harder for me to hold and fall back asleep. I force myself to open my eyes as I slowly sit up. It takes me a minute. My eyes are fighting with me. They want to stay closed, and I don’t blame them. Soon, I pull myself up and make my way to the bathroom. I am stumbling a bit since I am so off balance. Too tired to walk straight. Sometimes I even end up hitting into the wall, but I got lucky tonight. 

              I sit on the toilet and release the pressure while my eyes are closed. I close them as much as I can to try and keep myself sleepy. Sleepy enough that I can pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow again. I finish and make my way to the sink. Ice cold water spurts out. I wait for it to get warmer, but it takes too long. I quickly am shocked with the pain as I rush to get the soap off my hands. I dry them and I eventually climb back into bed. My body is up after all the excitement. I lay here, trying to fall asleep once again. I am back on my stomach since this is the only position in which I can sleep. I have my hands under the pillow. I get uncomfortable. I then put my hands to my sides. I get uncomfortable. I put my one leg up, my right arm down and my left arm up. This seems to work for a while until I have to turn my head to the other side. I happen to see the time and it is now 4:30 a.m. I am annoyed, but try not to think about it because it will keep me up even longer. I maintain my arm positions, but have both my legs out now. I am comfortable and lay here for quite some time until I somehow manage to fall asleep without knowing what I had been thinking about. I don’t know how my mind decides to shut off randomly again. My own mind is a mystery. A mystery that I cannot solve, when I so badly want to. 

              Before I know it, I am fluttering my eyes open once more. And this time for good. I know it because light is streaming in from the window right onto my face. And once light appears, I cannot fall back asleep. It is like my body knows it is daytime and it wants me to get up. My husband is up and about already. He received the sleep he needed. He is energized and I am glad he is.

              I rub my exhausted eyes and see that it is about to be 7 a.m. I lay here because my body is not ready to move. I lay here because my eyes are too tired to work. I lay here like a dead corpse, waiting for the warmth and light to somehow stretch my limbs. I lay here knowing I will face another start of the day, exhausted. I lay here knowing I won’t take a nap because if I do, I won’t sleep at night. Not that the daylight would let me do that anyway. I lay here knowing I again will have a restless night. And somehow, I manage.

  • 365


    I did it! I am extremely proud of myself because today marks the day where I have written 365 posts! I have written a post everyday for a whole year!

    It was challenging at times because some days I didn’t feel like writing or I didn’t know what to write about, but I pulled through.

    I am going to be posting less now due to the fact that I am going to be having my first baby. All my time and energy is going to be focusing on him.

    Thank you all who read my posts and follow me. I really appreciate it!

  • Safe


    We finally have put the car seat in the car since I am now 38 weeks pregnant. Good thing too because it took us a bit to figure it out and I still don’t know if it is right. I don’t know why they have to make the directions so difficult and confusing. We had to find a video online instead to help us since we both do better visually. But still our car seat model was barely on there. Only 1 or 2 videos and it wasn’t much help because they had a separate piece that ours doesn’t. Thankfully, there are a couple places around here that help assist you with your car seat, so we made an appointment today. We tightened the base as much as we could and it still is moving way more than just 1 inch, so I don’t know what that is about. But wish us luck!

  • Jolly


    I have never decorated for Christmas right after Halloween, but I am today. I usually do it on Thanksgiving, but since my baby is going to be here anyday, I just want it all up and done. Plus, I like celebrating it for two months rather than one. If you put it up for one month I feel like it goes by faster and I can’t enjoy the decor and ambience that much. So, I am going to be one of those people decorating early, especially since I don’t decorate for Thanksgiving. I kind of just see Christmas decor as Thanksgiving decor. I did read a study that says people who decorate early are happier and I believe it because it puts a smile on your face when you look at everything. It also reminds you what is to come.

  • Moonlight


    Today is Halloween! It feels like it took forever to get to this day since I put up my decorations in early September. Which is fine since I want to enjoy the ambience. Now, I am going to be doing the same with Christmas decorations!

    Today, I won’t be doing what I normally do. We would usually go out at night and just walk a busy street and enjoy the decor and costumes of everyone. But since I am about to give birth any day now, I can’t walk that long. So, I know we are going to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and then see if anyone comes trick or treating to our door. We have been gone Halloween night for the past 2 years, so I have no idea if we get kids coming to the door or not. So, we shall see! I still need to get candy for them too.

  • What Alternative Career Paths Have You Considered Or Are Interested In?

    What Alternative Career Paths Have You Considered Or Are Interested In?

    When I was younger, I always wanted to be in the music industry as a singer/ songwriter, which I did on a lower scale for a few years. I also thought about being a pharmacist or even a forensic scientist. I am quite happy I did not go that way because I do not do well with blood at all.

    Instead, I went into public health as a health inspector. It was interesting at first, but then I realized it was way too confrontational for me. I then took a class on coding, but it was a little tedious for me, so I felt like I wasn’t ready for an actual job. I also interviewed for this other job where you have to type out what people are saying as they are speaking, which is quite difficult. I did not end up getting that job, but tried my best.

    Further, my husband does work online and I honestly wish I went that way with my career since it pays way better. But again, I was never good with computers, so I doubted myself and still do.

    And then I decided to write a book because I have always wanted to try it since I love reading. I was able to do it, but now I just don’t know how to market it and publish it without dishing out a ton of money.

  • What Am I Most Proud Of In My Life?

    What Am I Most Proud Of In My Life?

    I actually have a lot to be proud of. I found my soul mate that I am happily married too and now we are having a son together.

    I am proud that I graduated school with a Bachelor’s Degree and was able to work in my field for a couple of years.

    I am proud that I have a loving family that I am so close too and that I get to live in my favorite state.

    And I am extremely proud of myself for putting my mind to something I have always wanted to try and being able to pull it off. In this case, I wrote a book. It is called Paranormal Love and I hope to publish it one day when I figure out what way I want to take.

    I am also really proud of myself for trying to go for a music career. I sang in a lot of great, popular places and I got so song write.

  • Too Much

    Too Much

    It was just my husbands birthday and getting cake is expensive. Ice cream cake is super expensive for it being so tiny. Every place we went to it was close to $30 and it wasn’t even the big cake. It was like the medium sized one. But we ended up finding one for $20, so that was better. Also, finding pecan pie is extremely hard. It is in no grocery stores besides Walmart it seems. We always struggle to find that. It is like trying to find pumpkin muffins during this time. Even a pie shop that is here doesn’t even have pecan pie as one of the ones that is in the case. You have to order that in advance. It is super weird to me, especially when you have other pies that aren’t that great.

  • Do Lazy Days Make You Feel Rested Or Unproductive?

    Do Lazy Days Make You Feel Rested Or Unproductive?

    I would say a bit of both, but if I had to choose I feel more unproductive. I feel like if I am lounging all day, it makes me seem like a couch potato when in actuality I’m not. If I don’t have to clean the house or do laundry, or cook, or go grocery shopping, I feel like I am not contributing my part in my relationship for the day. I know that is kind of crazy to think because it is just a day, but it makes me feel bleh. I sometimes even feel more antsy because of it. If I don’t get outside at all or go on a walk, I tend to feel frustrated with myself. But again, sometimes I may feel like that, but my body is tired, so I just end up having a lazy day. Or I will at least do one thing productive during the day so that I feel more fulfilled.

  • Sensational


    I had my last ultrasound at 36 weeks. It was definitely different then the 20 week one. Honestly, I feel as if I saw more during the 20 week one. Especially being able to get his full length in. This time they had to take more of a 3D picture in order to see his face, but even still it was tough. I mean other limbs were definitely more pronounced, but since he is longer, you can’t get the same profile. It was amazing to see him though and they confirmed that he is head down, which is fantastic! He is also weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces at the moment, so hopefully when he comes in two to three weeks, he will stay in the 7 pound range.

  • A Night To Remember

    A Night To Remember

    I can’t do much this October for Halloween, so we at least went to go look at a cool neighborhood that has Halloween decorations. It was called Santa Rita Ranch in Mesa and they did not disappoint. One whole street was filled with decor and some even had different themes. One house focused on clown decorations and another one skeletons. It was super packed so we ended up just driving through it instead of parking our car and walking. We would have had to park far away since there was crowds of people, so it worked out. I wouldn’t mind so much if I wasn’t pregnant, but it is getting quite hard to walk for long periods of time now.